Ryouri o tsukurimashou! Miso Soup with Tofu and Mushrooms

(For more information on where these recipes came from and more Japanese cooking vocabulary, check out my previous posts for Yellowtail Teriyaki, Cashew Chicken, Roast Chinjao, Tonkatsu, and Sweet Potatoes!)

The last recipe featured a dish you could make with ingredients found in any American grocery store, but this one would probably require a trip to a Japanese grocery store or other specialty Asian market. But it might be worth it to make your own homemade, nutritious miso soup! The Nintendo DS game this was translated from had a few varieties of miso soup, but this seemed like one of the most classic. Enjoy!

豆腐となめこのもそ汁 – Miso Soup with Tofu and Mushrooms

Yield: 4 servings


English Japanese
120 g momen tofu (coarse-grained tofu) (4.23 oz) 木綿どうふ 120g
100 g nameko mushrooms (3.53 oz) なめこ 100g
1 bunch scallions 細ねぎ 1本
4 cups dashi-jiru (bonito and kelp stock, sold in pouches in Japanese food stores) だし汁 4カップ
2 and 2/3 Tbsp shinshu miso (yellow miso paste) 信州みそ 大さじ2と2/3


Mince the scallions finely, then set aside. Drain the tofu, then cut into 1.5 cm cubes.

Boil some water in a small saucepan, then add the nameko mushrooms. Allow them to steam for only a short time (the Japanese recipe says “until moistened with steam”), then quickly drain the water in a collander. Divide the mushrooms among four soup bowls and set aside.

In a large pot, add 4 cups dashi-jiru and the cubed tofu, then turn on the heat and boil until the tofu cubes begin to float and bob on the surface. Add the shinshu miso, then lower the heat to a simmer. Add the scallions, then remove from heat.

Pour the dashi and tofu soup over the mushrooms in each bowl, then serve.


Japanese Romaji Meaning
なめこ nameko Japanese nameko mushrooms. Can be found in specialty Asian grocery stores.
細ねぎ hosonegi Scallions (literally “thin onions”). I’ve also seen this translated as “thin leeks.” The images on the recipe show mostly the green parts being used.
もそ汁 miso-shiru Miso soup
だし汁 dashi-jiru Concentrated kelp and bonito stock that can be bought as a powder, or as a paste in a pouch in Japanese grocery stores. The recipe is referring to 4 cups of the broth made from this mix.
信州みそ shinshu miso Shinshu miso paste, also known as yellow miso paste. It is light brown in color and salty, and is usually sold in small plastic tubs.
ふっとうする futtou suru To boil
沸く waku To boil; grow hot
さっと satto Suddenly; quickly
湯通しする yudooshi suru To moisten with steam
浮く uku To float; rise to the surface

Ryouri o tsukurimashou! Sweet Potatoes

(For more information on where these recipes came from and more Japanese cooking vocabulary, check out my previous posts for Yellowtail Teriyaki, Cashew Chicken, Roast Chinjao, and Tonkatsu!)

Did you read about Fall foods in Japan yet? If you have, you’ll notice that the first food listed is sweet potatoes. Have you ever wondered how to make them into a dessert, Japanese style? Read on and learn how!

スイートポテト – Sweet Potatoes

Yield: 4 servings


English Japanese
400 g sweet potatoes (0.88 lb or 14.1 oz) さつまいも 400g
32 g butter (about 2.5 Tbsp) バター 32g
60 g granulated sugar (about 1/3 cup) グラニュー糖 60g
4 Tbsp whole milk 牛乳 大さじ4
Dash of salt 塩 少々
2 egg yolks (divided) 卵黄 1個分+1個分
1 Tbsp dark rum ラム酒 大さじ1
A little bit of water 水 少々



Preheat oven to 180°C (356°F). Peel the sweet potatoes, then cut into rounds 3 cm in width. Place the sliced potatoes into a bowl of water as you cut them, then drain when ready to proceed to the next step.

Fill a saucepan with plenty of water, then put in the potatoes and heat until the water is boiling. When they can be easily pierced with a chopstick or fork, remove from heat and drain the hot water.

While the potatoes are still hot in the drained saucepan, quickly crush them until they are broken up into small pieces. Add the 32 g of butter and mix well. Then add the 4 Tbsp of milk, 60 g granulated sugar, and salt, then heat on low heat. While stirring constantly, let the moisture evaporate, and mash until the potatoes become smooth.

Quickly cool the potatoes by placing the hot saucepan into a bowl of ice water. When they have cooled a bit, add one of the egg yolks and 1 Tbsp rum, then mix well.

Lay down some parchment paper on a flat surface like a counter or table. Divide the sweet potato dough into four equal sections and place on the paper. Form each into a football-like shape by wrapping them in the parchment, then using a dish towel on the outside of the wrapper to manipulate the hot dough.

In a small bowl, put in the other egg yolk and add a little water, then mix. Place the football-shaped sweet potatoes on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, then lightly brush the tops with the egg mixture.

Put the baking sheet on the top rack in the oven, which should be between 180-200°C (356-392°F). For two potato shapes, bake for 15-20 minutes. For 4, bake for 20-25 minutes. When the tops dry out after baking, take the potatoes out of the oven and brush with the egg mixture once more. Then put them back in the oven for 2-3 minutes. When the tops have browned, they are ready to be taken out of the oven and served.

(Note: Japanese dessert sweet potatoes are often served with a bit of honey on top.)


Japanese Romaji Meaning
はかり hakari Scale (ie. Cooking scale)
ピーラー piiraa Vegetable peeler
オーブン oobun Oven
オーブンシート oobun shiito Parchment paper
ふきん fukin Dish towel; dish rag
ハケ hake Brush (here, refers to a cooking or pastry brush)
バター bataa Butter
牛乳 gyuunyuu Milk
卵黄 ranou Egg yolk(s)
たっぷり tappuri Fully; amply; generously
細かい komakai Small; fine
つぶす tsubusu To crush; smash; mash
氷水 koori mizu Ice water
敷く shiku To spread; lay out
生地 kiji Dough
溶きほぐす toki-hogusu To scramble (an egg)
表面 hyoumen The surface; face; ouside; exterior
上段 joudan The upper row, tier, step, or rack

Japanese Fall/Winter Stew: Nabemono


Nabe (or nabemono 鍋物, なべ物), is a type of Japanese one-pot dish where a big pot is heated in the middle of the table, and the diners cook the food themselves. Nabe is usually served during the colder fall and winter months when families and friends gather together and share a big stew.

There are several different varieties depending on the ingredients added, and where in Japan the recipe originated. One of the most well-known types in the US is sukiyaki (すき焼き), which consists of thinly sliced beef along with many vegetables and tofu and is boiled in a teriyaki-like sauce of soy sauce, sugar, and mirin. The ingredients are then dipped in beaten raw eggs before being eaten. At the end, udon or soba noodles can be added to soak up the flavorful broth.

Shabu-shabu (しゃぶしゃぶ, literally meaning “swish swish”) is very similar to sukiyaki, though the broth is more savory than sweet. The broth may just be water, or else lightly flavored with konbu (seaweed). Ingredients are then dipped in ponzu (see below) or sesame sauce.

Oden (おでん) is another variety where food can be added at any time instead of only at the beginning. Ingredients in addition to the ones below may include boiled eggs, carrots, potatoes, green onions, and more.

Common Nabemono Ingredients:

Daikon Daikon (ダイコン)
A large, mild radish native to East Asia. It can be eaten raw, cooked, pickled, or grated.
Ponzu Ponzu (ポン酢)
A tart, citrus-based sauce used for dipping ingredients in shabu-shabu or other dishes. It is made with mirin, rice vinegar, katsuobushi, konbu, and citrus juice (such as yuzu [like a grapefruit], sudachi, daidai [a bitter orange], kabosu, or lemon).
Katsuobushi Katsuobushi (かつおぶし)
Dried, fermented, and smoked flakes of skipjack tuna, also known as bonito. It’s often used to make dashi (fish stock), and as a topping for many Japanese foods.
Konbu Konbu (昆布)
Edible kelp seaweed often used to make dashi soup stock in Japan. It can be pickled, dried, and even made into tea (which tastes like the ocean to me).
Tsukune Tsukune (つくね)
Fish or meat balls (if meat, usually chicken). The fish balls I’ve had have been gray and sometimes disturbingly crunchy (bones, fins, and eyes are all included). They are often featured in some miso soups as well.
Tofu Tofu (豆腐)
Often seared or grilled, but sometimes just boiled raw in the pot.
Hakusai Hakusai (白菜)
Chinese cabbage.
Shungiku Shungiku (春菊)
Edible crysanthemum greens. It’s often used in Cantonese cuisine, but is popular in Japan as well.
Shiitake Shiitake (椎茸)
Common Japanese mushroom used in many dishes. Can be dried, sauteed, or boiled. Usually only the caps are used.
Enokitake Enokitake (エノキタケ)
Also known as enoki, these are available fresh or canned.
Soba Soba (そば)
A type of thin buckwheat-flour noodle. They are often served chilled in summer and hot in winter. Can be made into many different kinds of soup.
Udon Udon (うどん)
A type of thick wheat-flour noodle. Like soba, these are often served cold in summer and hot in winter. Can be a part of many kinds of soup dishes, depending on the toppings.
Kamaboko Kamaboko (蒲鉾)
Processed fish cakes made from varieties of whitefish and additives like MSG. Spiral-shaped loaves are often called “naruto” after the Japanese city which has a well-known whirlpool. The white fish paste is called surimi (擂り身), and is also present in fake crab in the US.
Chikuwa Chikuwa (竹輪)
Another surimi product made with salt, sugar, starch, and egg whites along with the fish.
Konnyaku Konnyaku (こんにゃく)
A mottled gray, firm gelatin-like substance which is mostly flavorless. The blocks can be cut into thin noodles and used in oden or sukiyaki. The gel itself is made from plants.

Ryouri o tsukurimashou! Roast Chinjao

(Note: Please check out the recipes for Yellowtail Teriyaki and Cashew Chicken for more useful Japanese cooking vocabulary!)

More Nintendo cooking, and once again we have a rather Chinese dish, but it’s very well-known in Japan. Next time I will feature something more traditionally Japanese. Any requests? We’ve gotten through a lot of cooking words with the past two recipes, so if you see words here you don’t recognize, check back in the links posted above. With that said, let’s get cooking!


チンジャオロース – Roast Chinjao

Yield: 4 servings


English Japanese
200 g thinly sliced beef 牛肉(網焼き用) 200g
2 tsp + 1 Tbsp soy sauce しょうゆ 小さじ2+大さじ1
1 tsp + 1 Tbsp sake 酒 小さじ1+大さじ1
2 tsp potato starch (corn starch is fine) 片栗粉 小さじ2
1 tsp + 1/2 tsp sesame oil ゴマ油 小さじ1+小さじ1/2
4 green bell peppers ピーマン 4個
4 cm green onion 白ねぎ 4cm長さ
1 1/3 cm fresh ginger しょうが 2/3片
2 cloves garlic にんにく 2片
1 Tbsp oyster sauce オイスターソース 大さじ1/4
1/2 Tbsp sugar 砂糖 大さじ1/2
Dash of pepper こしょう 少々
1 Tbsp water 水 大さじ1
4 tsp salad oil サラダ油 小さじ4


De-seed and core the bell pepper, then slice lengthwise into thin strips. Mince the 4 cm green onion finely. Peel the 1 1/3 cm fresh ginger, then mince finely. Peel the 2 cloves of garlic, then mince finely. Set aside.

Cut the 200 g thinly sliced beef into narrow strips. Place the beef in a bowl, then cover with 2 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sake, and 2 tsp potato starch. Mix well. Pour 1 tsp sesame oil into the center of the meat, then set aside.

In a small bowl, mix together 1 Tbsp sake, 1 Tbsp oyster sauce, 1 Tbsp soy sauce, 1/2 Tbsp sugar, dash of pepper, 1/2 tsp sesame oil, and 1 Tbsp water. Set aside.

Add 2 tsp salad oil to a frying pan and set on high heat. Add the beef and stir until it’s color changes to brown. Place on a plate and set aside.

Add 2 tsp salad oil to a frying pan and set on medium heat. Add the green onion, ginger, and garlic, then cook until they begin to smell strongly. Add the bell pepper and stir, then add the beef again. Add the soy sauce mixture from before, then turn the heat to high. Stir until most of the sauce is gone, then transfer to a plate and enjoy.


Japanese Romaji Meaning
牛肉 gyuuniku Beef
片栗粉 katakuriko Potato starch (very much like corn starch)
ゴマ goma Sesame seeds
abura Oil
白ねぎ shironegi Green onion (though literally “white onion” in Japanese)
にんにく nin-niku Garlic
こしょう koshou Pepper (can refer to black or white, but is usually black)
tane Seeds; kernels
みじん切りにする mijin kiri ni suru To cut finely; mince
sara Plate; dish
さいばし saibashi Long chopsticks for cooking and serving food
手早くほぐす tebayaku hogusu To quickly loosen or separate (here, used to decribe quickly stirring the meat in the pan)
香り kaori Smell; scent; aroma; fragrance

Japanese Grocery Stores in New York

How can you make Japanese or other Asian recipes without the right ingredients? Large US grocery chains often have an “international” aisle, but the pickings are usually slim. But there are many small Japanese grocery stores in Manhattan and the other boroughs, as well as several online resources available for those who don’t feel like traveling to a brick-and-mortar store. Many Chinese or Korean markets also have a lot of common Japanese ingredients for cheaper prices, so it’s probably best to go to a Japan-specific store when you’re looking for a more obscure ingredient. Blue markers are Japan-centric stores, and red markers are for primarily Chinese or Korean groceries. Just zoom on the map for more details!

View Larger Map

Online grocery stores:

Japan Super
California-based grocery that ships to the contiguous 48 states. A sample order gave me a flat shipping rate of $15 to Manhattan.

Lots of different products here with a $4.99 flat shipping rate and free shipping with an order over $75.

Asian Food Grocer
California-based store that ships by FedEx (not a flat rate).

Koa Mart
California-based Korean grocery that also has a fair amount of Japanese foods. Ships by UPS or USPS (not a flat rate).

I have never ordered from any of these online stores, but I have seen Japan Super recommended quite a few times on forums and blogs. The NYC Google map is far from exhaustive, so please let me know if you have any other stores to recommend (especially ones outside of Manhattan)!

Ryouri o tsukurimashou! Yellowtail Teriyaki

In addition to hitting the books, a fun way to learn new Japanese vocabulary is by making a Japanese dish. While I lived in Japan, it was tempting to resort to Cup Noodle or instant curry every night, but I eventually bought a video game called しゃべる!DSお料理ナビ (Shaberu! DS o-ryouri nabi) for my Nintendo DS when it was released in 2006. This game—which will work on Japanese and American systems alike—is a portable, interactive cookbook with 200 common Japanese recipes. Sadly, an English translation of the game was never released, though an American version with mostly Western recipes called Personal Trainer: Cooking can be bought on Amazon.

A little animated chef walks you through each recipe, timing steps as needed and providing helpful videos regarding cooking techniques. As such, it’s perfect for beginner chefs, and all the often-repeated cooking vocabulary makes for great language study!

Some of my favorite recipes are some of the easiest such as teriyaki fish/beef or sukiyaki (a one-pot meal where almost anything can work as an ingredient). Though cooking authentic Japanese food in the states can be difficult because of a lack of ingredients, NYC has ample resources for international chefs, which I’ll soon cover in a future article. In my opinion, one of the biggest differences between Japanese and American cooking is the relative subtlety of flavors in Japanese dishes. Flavors tend to be balanced, but understated compared to some American classics like spicy BBQ or hamburgers with spices folded into the meat. That and traditionally, much Japanese food is cooked using very long chopsticks instead of a wooden spoon for sautéing. I cheated and used a spoon most of the time because I was tired of clumsily dropping and ruining my food.

Anyway, here is a simple recipe translated from the DS game that you can make yourself! Most of these ingredients can be easily found in most US grocery stores, but there are a few such as pickled ginger and mirin that might be a little more difficult to locate. I’ve included the ingredients list in English and Japanese, and more useful cooking vocabulary is listed below. Enjoy!

ぶりの照り焼き – Yellowtail Teriyaki

Yield: 4 servings


English Japanese
4 yellowtail fillets ぶり(切り身) 4切れ
Flour (as needed) 小麦粉 適量
2 Tbsp salad oil サラダ油 大さじ2
40 g pickled ginger しょうがの甘酢漬け 40g
4 Tbsp mirin みりん 大さじ4
4 Tbsp soy sauce しょうゆ 大さじ4
1 Tbsp sugar 砂糖 大さじ1



In a small bowl, mix together 1 Tbsp sugar, 4 Tbsp mirin, and 4 Tbsp soy sauce. Set aside.

In another bowl or plate, add some flour. Coat each side of the fish evenly.


Add 2 Tbsp salad oil to a frying pan and set on medium heat. Place the fish in the pan skin side down. Cook until you see a nice brownish golden color and flip over (a few minutes per side). Turn the heat to low. Soak up the excess oil with some paper towels.

Add the soy sauce mixture to the pan. Cook until the fish looks nice and coated.

Put the fish on a plate and add the ginger on the side for garnish. (I also cooked up some rice to make this more of a meal.)



Japanese Romaji Meaning
ぶり buri Yellowtail
小麦粉 komugiko Wheat flour
適量 tekiryou As needed
しょうが shouga Ginger
しょうがの甘酢漬け shouga no amazutzuke Pickled ginger
しょうゆ shouyu Soy sauce
砂糖 satou Sugar
タレ tare Sauce
計量カップ keiryou kappu Measuring cup
計量スプーン keiryou supuun Measuring spoon
入れる ireru To put in (an ingredient)
混ぜ合わせる mazeawaseru To mix
まぶす mabusu To cover (smear, sprinkle) (with)
熱する nessuru To heat
中火 chuubi Medium heat
弱火 yowabi Low heat
焼く yaku To bake or grill