Teach at New Heights Academy Charter School!
Our mission is to graduate students who are prepared to succeed in college and life.
Founded in 2006 by a team of experienced educators, New Heights Academy Charter School quickly grew to become one of the largest charter schools in NYC, serving 750 students in the upper Manhattan neighborhoods of Hamilton Heights, Washington Heights, and Inwood. We are a grass-roots school that is not affiliated with any other organization or business. We are both a middle and high school, serving students in grades 5-12 in a model that eliminates the transition between middle and high school – one that often negatively impacts the academic success of students from our community. Our middle school has earned a B for the last 2 years on the NYC DOE Progress Report. Our high school has earned an A for the last 3 years, a time period during which more than 80% of our senior classes have graduated within 4 years and greater than 90% within five years.
- 90% Latino and 10% African American
- 95% qualify for free and reduced lunch
- 20% English Language Learners (served using inclusion; no bilingual classes)
- 13% Students with Disabilities (served using ITT and SETSS; no self-contained classes)
- Our average daily attendance rate is 95%.
- Spanish is the dominant language in most homes; about half of our parents do not speak English
- Most will be the first in their families to attend college; many will be the first to graduate from high school
Student Life
Students at New Heights attend school from 8:30am-4:00pm Monday through Thursday, with an earlier dismissal at 3:30pm on Fridays. We follow the NYC DOE calendar, with school starting after Labor Day in September and running through the end of June. Classes run for 60 minutes and students participate in a 30 minute Advisory class four days a week. Class size is generally capped at 24 students. In the middle school, students’ daily schedules include English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Writing, plus two alternating elective classes (American Sign Language, Art, Drama, Music, or Physical Education). High school students’ daily schedules include English, Language (Italian or Japanese), Math, Science, and Social Studies, with alternating days of Arts and Physical Education. Special education students are integrated into general education classes for the full day. English Language Learners receive targeted support through ESL and READ 180 classes. Students may be assigned to after school tutoring based on current academic performance or past performance on standardized exams. Students may participate in after school clubs, including athletics, if they meet academic eligibility requirements.
Our teachers’ official hours are 8:15am-4:15pm, although many arrive to school earlier and stay later. The school year kicks off with a 2 week Staff School, starting in mid-August, during which time is spent developing curriculum, creating assessments, building teams, attending professional development sessions, and generally preparing for the students’ arrival. Teachers work closely with their department chairs to plan using the Understanding by Design model. They use our data management system, eDoctrina, to ensure that data drives their instruction and that targeted interventions address students’ needs. Teachers receive regular feedback on their planning and instruction through observations and one-on-one meetings. Teachers are encouraged to grow professionally, and as such, frequent PD opportunities are made available to staff, in addition to the one half-day each month devoted to professional development.
Ready to Join the New Heights Team?
Become a Member of the NHACS Team
Working in our school requires a lot from our staff, but the rewards are worth it! We are looking for smart, dedicated, solutions-oriented, reflective, and passionate professionals who can:
- Work relentlessly to close the achievement gap
- Use data to inform instruction/interventions
- Set high professional goals
- Maintain a positive mindset
- Focus on creating a positive school climate conducive to high academic achievement
- Develop supportive and caring relationships with students and colleagues
- Communicate professionally
- Collaborate
- Challenge the status quo
- Be responsible to self, team, and school
- Assume team membership and individual leadership
- Adhere to deadlines
Required Qualifications
All teachers must hold current NYS certification, preferably in the content area for which you are applying. We seek teachers for these positions: English Language Arts (grades 5 or 6), ESL (grades 5-8), Japanese (HS Levels I, II, and III), Mathematics (grade 8 and HS Trigonometry/Advanced Math), Special Education (grades 7 or 9), and English/AP Literature (grade 12).
To Apply
If you possess the qualities outlined above, we want you to join our team! To apply, submit a current resume and cover letter to recruitment@newheightsacademy.org.
- In the subject line of the email, please name the position for which you are applying.
- Please make sure that your resume indicates your certifications (teaching or other).
- In your cover letter, please:
- Describe why you are the perfect fit for the position for which you are applying.
- Explain why you desire to work in an urban middle/high school setting.